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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Room 1049


The Interview with the Richard Taylor

Part the First

[Noises in the background as people get seated etc and coffee is poured and some decant drinks or scrape up their chairs etc]

[Nothing happens for a while.]

[Then The Interview starts.]

Richard Taylor 1) “I suppose we could start with some general probing – your back ground etc I mean you haven’t always been a…”

R.T 223) “ A what? A bastard…?! Eh!?? ”

R.T. 44) “Come on Richard!”

R.T 20) “Or come one?”

R.T. 1) “But that’s an interesting response –after all we cant all be elephants or hats now – can we?” “I mean – you were born in Auckland – in Remuera in fact in '48. Can you fill us in a little on your “journey” thence to hence? No?”

R.T. 24) “No.”

R.T. 200) “But I can!! ‘Bags to lick the spoon Mummy! Sue and Gill and Dennis wont let me!!’ (Bags bags bags!!!)…”

R.T. 233444) “Noise. Useless noise. Cat.”

R.T. 2222) “Meoww!!”

R.T. 1) ” But I want some … some continuity here… did - were you - one of these people - with a “mission” to write – to be a poet??”

R.T. 45) “Heil Hitler!!”

R.T. 80 “I interview me – I can fill you in – the others are stupid or psychos.”

R.T. 221) “Do you hate them? These “others” ?”

R.T. 33) “Of course I fucking bloody well do! And I hate everyone in the world – they rob me of my power – I want power [power power power and blood and death.]”

R.T. 33) “And sex and slime.”

R.T. 1) “Why slime? Why talk of slime? Who are we anyway where?? When what?”

R.T. Aleph Null 1) “Percolates inprecision into a coroallary of stanite coroallas coronae carseerers gets out you chicken head bitch face in tercede in full deep dip ploggle cringing hollee hope…”

R.T.5) “I we mean – this Blog you post here so infrequently –now as young fellow –were weyou 8 or 9 or older but we read Dickens (started with Pickwick Papers) and followed Snodgrass and the adventures of the Pickwick Club – then you read most the other novels…then a lot of Somerset Maugham, Ryder Haggard…”

R.T.44) “A ha!! Weeeewewewew weeeeeee 'emember that – you experienced that erotically –always there was huge Tower or a Temple in the jungle with a beautiful partly clad Sheila…the girls at Tamaki College used to move their legs and smilesmirk..who…were….”

R.T. 88) “Shut up you useless prick face! Kill the Universe – stick a pin in the plastic red Indian’s arse. Then hurl him to his death from the door cliff and into the chasm. ”

R.T. 60) “Orgasm in a chasm.”

R.T. 86) “ Bags ! He get’s shot with silver six shooters by Hopalong Cassidy!! Whip whooo whirlry!”

R.T. 80) “ Boom!! ----- ‘mem you mem you when you half my height?’”

R.T. 222) “Percolates.”

R.T.33) “Power!! The beast - the lion dog was at my throat – maybe it was from Balzac’s story – fuck it – but I acted it all out I fought the lion me-man. After I wanted to kill the enemy mens.”

R.T. 35) “Of course you did dear. We all love you…”

R.T. 8) "Then there were the days I read about astronomy and science -particularly biochemistry or about DNA etc and microbes etc and I wanted to be scientist and cure cancer..."

R.T.1) "That's interesting isn't it the twin desire for power and to help - to help or hurt like fight or flight - there is perhaps a link there - something to do with Freud..."

RT23A) "And you studied Latin -remember you lost that huge dictionary of Latin (Short) your mother gave you - you loved that huge book ... and your mother gave it you and you lost it your mother gave it bought it you with her hard clothing making money and you lost it - you heartless negligent cunt face...."

R.T.8) "Freud?"

R.T. 9) "Or fraud, get Fraud Squad in there's a lot of James Froid petering around - who's a fraid of Virginias's vaginas or W. Joyce's woof woolly woof woof's cold beer or a child's Kaltennnen joy - who is schillerodenn sangfroidle - without blood or joy or Joyceless in Gazza with Bazza...Nein!??"

R.T.11) "Shut up bitch!"

R.T. 9) "Who are you licking - did you step out of a novel by David Lyndon Brown or something? Who marked you?"

R.T.11) "I'm not one of THOSE!!"

R.T. 17) "HOW do you know. Who are weyouheitsheimherthemtheythose?"

R.T. 80) " Licks and loves."

R.T. 2) "What? Who are you?"

R.T. 75) "What happened to the dead man - did you can him?"

R.T. 200) "I called slaters "jambers" ... Brucey had many many slaters in that box back of his house and there was a lake, and the Catholic boys they had hundreds of tadpoles, your one grew a tale ('therby hangs a') and then legs!! Then you took it down to streeme - & Dada said it would swim win away and be happy..."

R.T. 201) "Tiddley tiddly taddy pollees - tiddley tiddley taddies!!"

R.T199) "Coouckales arnd Mooosckles!! Twwo a three a penny hot brown booums!!"

R.T. 198) "Bums! Big black bums! "

R.T 11) "That's all old stuff - you have to deal with NOW - you're sixty now - approaching death... and decay and entropic..entropic something..."

R.T. 200) "And those boys were cruel to their father who was in Russia in the war and gave him biscuits that had fallen on the floor and they laughed...the night their house caught fire the stove and burned and the firemen gods came and then one of there mummydaddies had a heart attackss and the the other died soon later... she must have gone "Oooh!" like that... and old Macey, remember he invented the "everlasting game"...???????????????"

R.T. 6) "Primevalism into X yields xylic xylem xeric in the xystsus where they practised

under and into time in pots where rained the gold men from the huge and heartless Goldrens of Light City in the shady deciduous wayfarey and soap to saponification NaOH and (Quercus) & so onne..."

R.T 6A) "Is god an emmett? "

R.T. 7) "little God or Big god?"

R.T 6A) "I no know... all I know is that I 'know that I know that I nothing know' "

R.T. 10) "Isn't it all so exciting!!"

R.T. 60) “Orgasm in a KaoAsm. In a Kaddam Addam Kaaoassm asm”

R.T 21) " Biblic black and blind."

R.T. 4) " A kaoasm?! Not a kaolin kaoasm? Putt. Put. Pot. Transforms...something edges into the light..."

R.T. 35) " Recall the Head - and how you loved the leopard in the desert 'bearded like the pard' "

R.T X) "Balzac blazes with Boylan's blazac oh so blindy black."

[Noises at this point rising to cresendo of sorts].

R.T.1) "But I hear you've been reading 'Nightwood' by Djuna Barnes, 'The Book of Nothing' by John Barrow (maths, the Aleph Null, Cantor, zero, and cosmology etc), two plays by O'Casey, and Albee (it's his year I see), some Henry James stories, 'Sons and Lovers' by Lawrence, Selima Hills' long poem, 'Madame Bovary', 'Three Tales', and the Temptations of St Antony' by Flaubert..."

R.T 5) "His Penelope was Flaubert... he fished by obstinate isles thinking about criculating Circe traffic and ignoring sundials and masses of pig-fish infanta bearing sea bearing unbearably into glory; with the spreading and accelerating sneer of shining Time unwillingly to school with shining faces mourning the morning's mornings at his back as nursing mothers point knowing fingers at the sky's great grimace and the age demands there's nothing in it why should the acceleranting and Elephanting eagle shit its arse down down the Deutchsland wings bores of spores of melancholy rifles who slither toveley lovely dovelly down down the in the room of the doomed womb where whirls the wicked white water from the abstract micksickle ecstasy of the hermetic cataracting caterwauling skies like so many indigo Icarae.... "

R.T. 5ABC) " HO! I thought of all that infinity years before i was born - so there!"

R.T. 50) "Absolute twaddle - bilgewater!!"

R.T. 60) " 'Off with his head!'"

R.T.1) "And now your tackling Robin Hyde's 'Wednesday's Children' again and I see that you earlier in the year read most of Ibsen's plays (in the meantime re-reading 'Ulyssees') and you have Roger Horrock's book about Len Lye..."

R.T.3) " I 'discovered' Lye by accident when I went into town one day - took a sickie in about1985 and saw and exhibition - saw his awesome "universe" and heard it booming and his photo collages on film etc (the Brakhagey stuff - the "mystical" life force things etc - that idea I had had for years myself of a continuous aesthetic (via Joyce's "Portrait" - a favourite of mine as a teenager) fact I recall that as I was playing in the NZ Correspondence Chess Championship that year...I must have had obscure desires to write...that time I was completing an Engineering Certificate in telecoms/electronics etc but..."

R.T.1)" And you felt somehow dissatisfied etc? "just" a family man and a Lineman etc?"

R.T.3) "Yes...hmmm....the need to create .... but the engineering lead into all sorts of strange main reading I recall had only really been (since circa 1969 when I read a lot of political stuff) ..was I recal, raeding the auto bio of Sargeson and wishing I could be a writer... but it remained a dream only at that stage and I wasn't strong on it..."

R.T11) "Listen to the wankers!! " the need to create" !! Fuck me!! ..."

R.T 33A) "'The snot green sea'"

R.T.11) "Fuck -what about the tits on the bum of the arse eh?? Hmm!!?? Eh???!!!"

R.T 10) "Gosh!!"

R.T1) "And I wondered if you wanted to comment on where your reading was taking you so to speak - ha ha ha he he he he he heee !!! [sudden ucncontrollable titter from Richard 1 at this point] - and is EYELIGHT - mean how are we proceeding -you sem to have somewhat abandoned meaning and order (per se - as they say) in EYELIGHT - is The Infinite Poem taking over .... .... ..... ??????????"

R.T 7) The I.P is always there - waiting to get us..."

R.T 1) "Fascinating..."

R.T 301) "And I who have shed tears and sperm...."

R.T.1) "Wonderful...incredible................"

[ Noises off stage - horns in the distance - perhaps "42" IS or WAS the answer...]

Interview to Be Continued



Anonymous said...

Hi Richard,

This is a fascinating post.
It reminds me of the type of interviews Burroughs would give to & of himself.

I'm currently reading 'Ulysses' for the first time, along with Edna O'Brian's marvelous bio of Joyce.

Did you know he was a big fan of Ibsen?



Richard said...

Michael - good to hear from you! I haven't seen Burrough's interviews. I once saw him interviewed by Kathy Acker.

I read Ulysses over a ten year period from about 1991 or so -
I started to re-read it but I was using various commentaries and annotations and I got distracted ...indeed I know he was big on Ibsen - I knew from Uni and also from the biography by Richard Ellmann - I also read that this year (it is nearly as big as Ulysses but is very detailed) I read most of Ibsen's plays - and Brandt by him (that is incredible) - also Flaubert as both Madame Bovary and The Temptation of St Antony are relevant to Ulysses - of course Joyce read them in French (and English and possibly Italian)...

I have read few stories by O'Brien - they were good.

This post includes some orginal stuff (and some allusions - mixed up - to other writers and myself!) as I seem to be now doing some 'original' - if we can have such in this Barthesian age - writing as such - although I also copy pages from various books I am reading - I have been doing that for ages...

Glad you are interested.

I really enjoyed our poems in Brief.



Richard said...

BTW Ted Jenner has read most of Flaubert's works and is big fan of Joyce...and Pynchon...and much else I suppose!!