Room 1222
Steeline resonations in erotic and terrible lion time of sheerjoy of being.... in the thinking night of time...
springy spring spring-steel -
..........................."Shoots this fantastic arc of electricity through the mouth of the Cave Goddess and hits this Sun Ball!"
Len Lye's Incredible Engines
of Motion and Mystery
on YouTube
of Motion and Mystery
on YouTube
<<<<<<<<<<<................ UNIVERSE ................. AND .................. OTHERS
I "discovered" Len Lye's work when I wandered into an exhibition in about1985 in Auckland of this great NZ artist... at the time in my life I had never heard of him ... it was a time when I had not read much literature for years ... I was a Lineman and I was doing an Engineering Certificate in electronics and Telecoms etc and my main interests was Chess - I was playing chess in the NZ. Correspondence Chess Championships....but some years later I did a degree in English literature...where eventually I came across the work of Brakhage (courtesy in fact of Roger Horrocks) etc...and I was quite influenced by the language poets - but perhaps more by Ashbery
Elizabeth Bishop, and Gertrude Stein et al
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\THE TEMPLE//////////THE TRILOGY////////////////////////
CREATIVE AND ALMOST A MYSTICAL SENSE OF THE UNIVERSE AND OF LIFE AND MOTION...................................................................
CREATIVE AND ALMOST A MYSTICAL SENSE OF THE UNIVERSE AND OF LIFE AND MOTION...................................................................
............................................................................................................................................................... be! be!.................the light...
..........................................................Mehr licht! .... Mehr Licht!
TS Eliot wrote (sic) somewhere between the idea and reality, somewhere between the thought and the act lies the Shadow...
Yes - in The Hollow Men that all ties in with "Apocalypse Now" - Conrad's Heart of Darkness, Dante, Julius Caesar and so on... perhaps also some deep trouble or torment in himself. He seemed to resolve it by deepening his religious fervour etc
Eliot - a great poet perhaps our century's greatest - certainly of his time he was vast..
OUR SHADOW...It is from the sun, and it forms the shade. It is from yourself but forms another. Within its part it cools the heat and it gives the soul some time to keep.
The shadow falls between the two heads of the eagle of the fischer king. The split between the left and the right, the black and the white. The board and the game will forever so remain the same.
The revelation of reason in thy madness. FISCHER KING . In letters of six and four...equals ten. The digits zero to nine...equals ten. Together one and zero. The binary code. Two digits. The two heads of the eagle. INFINITY. DIVINITY. GOD.
Fischer being spelt Fisher equals six .... now ive really lost it ha!
tertius - I think that you could work those ideas you had for a film or novel into a kind of novel - the ideas may or may not be tenable (in their totality) - but they would reflect some ideas or some truths so to speak. The "plot" at least could form a useful structure - I think as well as your gothic impulse - irony and humour as used by Pynchon - and in his use of Revenge tragedy, pseudo plots (as Joyce uses the rather dubious "arguments" of Stepehn Dedalus in Ulysses in part to mock his own intellectual side (and certain kinds of scholarship perhaps) I think) etc and actually his quite beautifully poetic language as in The Crying of Lot 49
My feeling though is that you wold need to bring it back or connect to NZ somehow.
And there is perhaps some connection between the break down (or transform) - of literature etc and the parallel disintegration of US and other Imperialisms (symbolised by Polanksi/Manson etc) - although that maybe can be taken a bit too far - it is only part of the story...but it is an interesting starting point or "angle".
The trouble is finding an original direction with so much written...
More anon - thanks for "commenting" here...
THE COLOUR OF GLOBAL SIN...The red of blood, the blue of sky, the green of earth and the white of eye. Indigo swirl of deep sea. Yellow falls in autumn leaf. Brightness fades in melting ice. WHAT IS THE HUE OF THOU VICE?
And the response IS IT THE ABSENCE OF BLACK OR THE PREVALENCE OF this poem ...back to that damn chess board again! the way really interesting blog...seeya later RT...
"THE COLOUR OF GLOBAL SIN...The red of blood, the blue of sky, the green of earth and the white of eye. Indigo swirl of deep sea. Yellow falls in autumn leaf. Brightness fades in melting ice. WHAT IS THE HUE OF THOU VICE?"
I like this one
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