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Saturday, April 25, 2009

when listen to this I ein I scream I scream I scream and the go

when listen to this I ein I scream eye I scream I scream and the god-silence the god the beautiful the beautiful the ein the eye the org the org the great org the org the org is beyond the make the Make and the orb org and beyond beyond erbarmer dich mein Gott beyond awake mein Gott and outside react the black erbarmer dich the black react reaction sprach and the crack of death in the scream to heaven to help to out to hell to help the hell in me the heil of heil mein Gott mein Gott erbarmer dich the scream again !! of love of love of time and time’s time and the huge the vast the turmoil of time and did we tell you?! and did we tell you?! and the end the beginning and huge the coil the torque the dark the dark the dark the dark the dark mein Gott erbarmer dich the dark of desire and the earth and the hand in a hand in a month of moons until hell the hell the hell the hell of the hell and hail to the Kings and beings who scream in madness ein and the eye of music dying in this dark erbarmer dich this dark and did we tell you?! and did we tell you?! this dark this dark exploding out in big burnt blasts of light the orange sun the purple the rage the rage of white and big light blast erbarmer dich we know we are human we know we are fists we are fists immense immense and immer immense and we are seared we are seared seared seared seared! heil! mein Gott mein Gott und erbarmer dich who scream in madness I am here I am here I am here erbarmer dich the steel the stele the shell the steel the steel the shell the great in me mein seele mein and I am here and in a hand in a month of moons until hell the great in me the great in me the flood the light the red the dark and we sing in the darkness the holy black the bLob of bloom the song and we sing in huge the voice and the red the church the church the vast the vast THE church the turning church the turning turning church - in the mad the mad the mad the light and did we tell you?! and did we tell you?! the vast church the vast church! turning turning! and the glory of voices and the many the many the voices the voices the scream the visions the delight the light delight the delight of fire – the fire of destroying love the enormous love erbarmer dich the destruction and did we tell you?! and did we tell you?! the beginning and the begging and the end and the love and the glorious the glorious going going going round round round in spin of Licht the begin the torment the love the music the head the dark the great gusts of! it the leaf the black the red the knife the not the sign the sound the lips the wet the dark the huge the huge the huge the churCh the TURnING the church and round and round and round the church erbarmer dich and the scarlet the kiss the trample the black the red the white the huge the huge the head the red the rose the huge the head the sigh the endless and did we tell you?! and did we tell you?! the ecstass the exstass the excess the torment the terrific the torment explodes exstass the shapes the shapes, and did we tell you?! and did we tell you?! whose hearts? whose hearts? are beyond whose hearts are beyond erbarmer dich the red and it and it and it and ein and mein Gott mein Gott erbarmer dich and no and no and no and no knowledge do we know erbarmer dich – ecstasy only and the scream the scream the light the light the lightund (the green the green the green the red the red the scene is seen) the light the light the light the dichter light the light when I listen heil! mein Gott I listen the spider white the light of night's delight the spider white the dark the dark the light the light the white beyond the light the hot the light and did we tell you?! and did we tell you?! the white white light mein Gott the endless the huge the huge the church the light

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