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Thursday, June 18, 2009


"I do not think they will sing for me."


tertius said...

Just got back on the net after a six month break ... have viewed your link Hitler King of Insects and related videos...interesting how things culminate and unravel bit by bit...

Richard said...

hi tertius - the Hitler thing is very good - almost a minor masterpiece as video and the music is great also...

but the videos were chosen more or less at random except that some relate to my "memories" e.g. The Windmills of Your Mind is from a film 'The Thomas Crown Affair' I saw while travelling through Wellington about 1969 with two friends. The chess scene made a powerful effect (in fact years later I dropped it into a poem) as well as the song - now the song is still good but sounds pretty kitchy these days...the others reflect various of my ineterests.

but I could have chosen anything or any combination - but some cant be used)) - in fact the person (if any) who plays the You=Tube the obviously can go of onto the other videos on You-Tube...control the volumes, or play only one or two or whatever, the process is infinite - or all at once depending on time etc and on how good the connection is - also the fact I have relatively slow download - although I have broadband - means the stop-start effect is interesting and with all videos playing the effect is amusing / interactive - as are some of the juxtapositions

Stockhausen is - or was - a classic nutter! I get a good laugh just seeing his manic face...Brigglflatts read by Basil Bunting is great. The US (Langauge and other) poetry readers are not very good -overall - although I like recordings of May Swenson but there is nothing on YouTube of hers I can find yet (by her)... also it would be good to hear Elizabeth Bishop reading or John Berryman...

good to see you in the land of cyber life...again