My Blog List

Friday, October 30, 2009



Room 57 exp z




















Zabragg::::::::: undo 23mno onp = goolach meeno

Qulifagi @ ==@ sanca;;;; 9d os PartiKa

Iytcgee -5 worrraamooglefiittyy >>><<<>

Oooo|ooopu ik gafaya 3 Gweeta blauorye|||||||

fg Gatt zeeppl{}++=== Ggogg wouse (*098z] tarag0rt Yuagoohjj

forog im ^ fortafffagg ## [Kcruncah pol, 252 meei ….

Iasta-menta? Ssss ? mo 6a Polla dumsaaafsf Faaglo -

Greedheeeeads //////Januckl acnaha//// =========pragggo ik ++

Katagaggggg!!!!! % Xitttafundaaaaa!!!

















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tertius said...

Ricardo and Vicenzo and all "we who are about to die salute you " Hail mighty Caesar! Its been too long in the shadows lean against the light. In the gloom and doom all species are accorded not despair the light shines forth emerging full ones scope...

tertius said...

These eyes view a painting in the form of a word and a song in a poem sung by this blaggard painter folk... roguish in tone and without license or key, these matters persist in the form of continue on and follow the blood...

tertius said...

After all is not the process part of the quest. So lets toast the Queen and her royal crest or dismiss this now as mere jest...

tertius said...

Hidden among the words hanging upon the vine, are naive couplets, quadrents and ryhme. Grow, prosper and find, a fertile seed. Guilty of this crime! Regards

tertius said...

07 11 09

Richard said...

tertius - hail tertius!

tertius - you should write a long prose poem in the manner you are doing in the comments here and I could put it, or "publish it" up on here. I like the mix of the "old chivalric" or the bardic with the self commenting and the sense of the present or whatever - it doesn't matter what it all means but you can make it mean something if you like! I think in your own way you have a talent here...

The poet who mixes the old and new so well - among others - perhaps the best is Geoffrey Hill - and you will recall Susan Howe's strange interest in Swift's letters and loves and historical events (and her love of words and word formations etc) and so on - her mix of the lyrical the ancient and the now...

How are things in the place of blood and time?

Vincenzo is doing well these days...

I'm reading various stories by Balzac and an Australian writer called Gerard Murnane wrote an extraordinary, almost Kafkaesque novel called "The Plains".

The Golden is still going and still has a WOF! My friend is a mechanic and we are going to have a look at the brake pipes (some corrosion - hopefully only surface) tomorrow.

Guy Fawkes was a wet night but it went off quite well for people here...all the best.

tertius said...

I knew that car would be a 'goodun' it was well looked after when i got for Polanski the Swiss have him in jail now and may extradite him to the US....I diverge a little as you can look a bit back on some of our discourse last year and my poetic response to your works and your own poetry also...when u joust RT your work is at its best there is no doubt about that... even your earlier stuff in the 90s had underlying tensions from your life experiences...go back over this text and EDIT it wearing a diff HAT so to is very hard to do...

tertius said...

A little time can help to view things more critically and if u can edit this body of work this can give a greater meaning and conclusion to a given period of your writings and discourses can be contextualised for the sake of history alone as Yourself and others including myself to a lesser degree have lived "through" great changes in MEDIA and we need to account for this in poetic forms hence my hold on the past techniques...

tertius said...

This poetic "confusion" i hope u recognise as a deliberate tension between the old poetic forms and the new...this needs to be represented in a meaning structure otherwise this period say btw 80s and 00s in OUR world and NZ experience will be lost forever...

tertius said...

Furthermore the modern media give ALL a voice hence my attack on the democratisation of the poetic form...and the VOID that can occur when among all this technology ONE can feel more ALONE in the text than the overbearing structure of the MEDIEVAL...

tertius said...

Without meaning or some truth beyond THIS....our voice is nothing more than a chirp from a bird...and sometimes that chirp is more profound than what humanity is beginning to present in text and voice despite our SOPHISTICATION!

Richard said...

tertius - I hear what you are saying - some "truths" here.

Also, while this may not be "correct" it is interestingly expressed... you are right that it was certain personal events (the effects of) in my personal life that were being expressed (perhaps indirectly but they were the main a force behind my writing, as well as drive to "develop" or create) in the 90s in fact around 1989 - 1993, and somewhat around 1995 to 2004.

" This poetic "confusion" i hope u recognise as a deliberate tension between the old poetic forms and the new...this needs to be represented in a meaning structure otherwise this period say btw 80s and 00s in OUR world and NZ experience will be lost forever...

Anonymous tertius said...

Furthermore the modern media give ALL a voice hence my attack on the democratisation of the poetic form...and the VOID that can occur when among all this technology ONE can feel more ALONE in the text than the overbearing structure of the MEDIEVAL...

Anonymous tertius said...

Without meaning or some truth beyond THIS....our voice is nothing more than a chirp from a bird...and sometimes that chirp is more profound than what humanity is beginning to present in text and voice despite our SOPHISTICATION!

A lot is true here...

tertius said...

1975 to 1984 Think BIG and ROB MULDOON before he ROBS you...... This was graffiti i saw as a boy in newmarket...

tertius said...

Another in 2000 was ABANDON SHIPLEY along Dominion Rd...

tertius said...

Later in life when boxer Muhammed Ali was punch drunk and Alzehiemers Disease began its a speech to a group of students he was asked to give a poem and he responded with "ME..WE" and this a shorter poem than the recorded oxford dictionary poem which is "ADAM...HADEM"

tertius said...

Furthermore a Rugby Coach stated to his players "There is no I in TEAM" and the Springbok Tour divided a nation...

tertius said...


Richard said...

"The Thoughts of Tertius?"

tertius -

best regards -


Giovanni Tiso said...

Any investigation looks for inconsistencies and zeros in onthem. That is the nature of forensics.

So, when are you ever going to look at the inconsistency in Gage's theory? We have mentioned a bunch, but obviously for you they are nothing of the sort, and it's only worth debunking the official explanation because you have decided that it was the imperial oligarchs who did it. Pretty pointless to conduct a conversation on this basis, wouldn't you say?

Richard said...

Blogger Giovanni said...

Any investigation looks for inconsistencies and zeros in them. That is the nature of forensics.

" So, when are you ever going to look at the inconsistency in Gage's theory? We have mentioned a bunch, but obviously for you they are nothing of the sort, and it's only worth debunking the official explanation because you have decided that it was the imperial oligarchs who did it. Pretty pointless to conduct a conversation on this basis, wouldn't you say?"

You are wrong. You didn't listen to what I said. I haven't decided that the Imperial Oligarchs did it. (but they MAY have done - that is the subjunctive...please note) And I already know what is wrong (or where there will be errors - not all is wrong, and controlled demolitions etc is not proof who did the towers!!) with Gage's theory and I haven't heard him - I know.

BUT that doesn't alter my initial points. Simply that we DONT KNOW.

Now if that sounds like a cop out that is too bad.

But I certainly have suspected since Sept 11th 2001 there may have been complicity by the US in order to facilitate subsequent fact I suspected that the Bush Admin etc intended to abolish democracy on the basis that it was too weak for what was needed. I thought he (or someone with smarts behind him after he was assassinated)was going to impose a military dictatorship...

But they lost the chance.

There is more to all this though.

But we are dealing with irredeemably evil beings hidden inside the US...they are without pity. Be careful.