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Friday, February 05, 2010


Room Z3x The mystery of that which is.

I haven't posted here for sometime. I am working on quite a long post right now so meanwhile I will upload some pictures.



Marty Mars said...

evocative and delightful - thanks richard

Richard said...

Thank you. These are only some of hundreds I have which I want to work with later. Soon I am doing another post. But getting the images right etc is a problem.

Click on some of these will show the images better.

The "graffitti" is actually on the site of my old high school in Glenn Innes.

richard lopez said...

lovely photos, richard. i'm fascinated by what for lack of a better term pleine aire photos, esp. the one taken at the playground. several thousands of miles separate you and me but it seems life is lived at similar pitches.

Richard said...

Richard - good to here from you! I am working on another longer post but I have decided that I need to really work at the HTML level (or CSS or whatever) and get good handle on it to get more control as although I have allowed a degree of "interruption" or "noise" on the technology between what I do and the result I am now wanting more control over the process...obviously that cant be total.

It is a bit deceptive those pictures...where I live is very urbanised and I have to do entries on litter and so on - in fact while it is and can be very beautiful there are big issues in NZ - in particular in Auckland and where I live is a very much working class suburb.

I like it here but there are dangers - we have a very high homicide rate here. An the environment you see - while it i beautiful, is far from what it has even more and more of Auckland is urbanized in fact in area it is one of the biggest cities in the world. It almost means that about 10% of NZ is urbanized (but I like cities and Auckland (a city I do love) can be quite beautiful even the industrial areas) as if you take from Manukau or South Auckland (really Auckland) to say north of the North Shore or up there we have a huge urban area and still growing and cars are everywhere...huge traffic jams - no one is patient on the roads.. ...where I am litter is a big problem... although I have noticed an improvement. Poverty is another bit there are also very rich people here and in parts of NZ very very rich people so - a very mixed bag. And many nationalities... I have been to the US in 1993 - NY and I actually in some ways felt safer there at the time...than in some parts say of central and South Auckland... so there are environmental and social-economic issues I have really got into friend who has Reading the Maps raises a lot of controversial issues...he look deeply into the history of NZ and so on

What I am doing if I can define it -is not political per se though and NZ has treated me well...

So yes...Auckland and much of NZ is close to to the sea and the beaches (but at times some of them become polluted) - but I haven't been for swim for years!!

When was young (in the 50s/60s) there was no harbour bridge (and no TV!) and fewer cars and people, (people were friendlier) and in many way it was a "paradise" (people showed respect and were decent unlike now) but overall I have seen a decline...but I am also quite happy here...I have been very lucky to live here ...overall. My wages are only a Govt pay out which is very low but I and my son do most people around here I know!!

And there is always Dr Phil for advice!!

If my car packs it in I may have to give up my chess club and so on....
but at would o.k. - there are books to read and we go on walks as you can see...I just fixed my washing machine it is 25 years old! [Same as my old "bomb" - or 'auto'] But I replaced an input water valve/solenoid and I am still able to wash clothes......the joys of life!

My grandson needs finance to go to an art schools so on!! his mother (my daughter) is doing a PhD in Psych etc... so we live in hope when we consider our children - that is what brings us back to reality!

But yes, a lot of 'plein aire' ...c'est bon!!

Hope all is well over in your domain!! I am 62 now...

Forgive me my sins but each year we watch American idol!! We love watching the weirdo losers get blasted by Simon Cowell!! What to do without Schadenfreude!!

tertius said...

After three months away from the internet i bought a months credit today and saw the 1985 Holden SW, this beast was bought from a trade in on a 1993 Mitsub Mirage which after weeks of sleeping in the back seat (ie, homeless) i yearned to stretch out my legs and that Holden SW seemed a most soluable solution...what a relief...until the blasted thing got full of books and i had to rent a room...

Richard said...

tertius - hi! - yes I recall you were sleeping in cars - !

I don't have a WOF just now but a friend is a mechanic coming on Sat to help get the brakes balanced and fix one worn tie rod....otherwise still chugging quite well considering it is a 1984 car!

I'm working on another post so you might see strange things come up her on my Blog then disappear.

I am trying to edit the HTML, and maybe change my template or renew it etc

But I may just have to do the Blog post in "sections" or in three or more parts...

I still have that Bach and Handel...